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3.谢志雄,吕和平,董仕节,罗平,Cu-0.6Fe合金时效过程小角X射线散射研究,特种铸造及有色合金,2017,37:454-457. (中文核心)
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6. Zhixiong Xie, Haiyan Gao, Qin Lu, Jun Wang, Baode Sun, Effect of Ag additions on the microstructure of Cu-8 wt.% Fe in situ composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 508 (2010) 320-323. (SCI,Ei)
7. Zhixiong Xie, Haiyan Gao, Wei Wu et al, Static Recrystallization Behavior of Twin Roll Cast Low Carbon Steel Strip.. Journal of iron and steel research, international, 18(2011)45-51. (SCI)
8. Zhixiong Xie, Haiyan Gao, Jun Wang, Baode Sun, Effect of homogenization treatment on the microstructure and properties of Cu-Fe-Ag in situ composites, Materials Science and engineering A, 529(2011)388-392. (SCI,Ei)
9.Haiyan Gao, Zhixiong Xie, Yan Yu et al, Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of Twin Roll Cast Low Carbon Steel Strip ,ISIJ International, 49(2009)546-552. (SCI,Ei)