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  • 职称:二级教授
  • 通讯地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区南李路28号
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  • E-mail:Dongsjsj@163.com
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    2000/9—2002/11 加拿大滑铁卢大学,博士后工作,导师:周运鸿(Norman Zhou)教授
    2002/11—2008/7 湖北汽车工业学院副校长、校长,教授
    2008/7—至今 湖北工业大学 副校长,教授

    1、依托大工程背景 坚持产学研结合 高校应用型人才培养方法和途径的研究与实践,2009年湖北省高等学校教学成果二等奖,排序第二



    2、 点焊电极表面电火花原位熔敷鳞片状TiB2-TiC复相涂层的研究,国家自然科学基金委,2010.1-2013.12,
    7、点焊电极表面电火花原位沉积TiB2- Al2O3复相涂层的研究,武汉市市科技局,2012.1-2014.12

    1、 代表性论文
    (1)S.J. Dong**, Y. Zhou, Y.W. Shi and F. Lu, A New Hybrid Process for Surface Modification by Combining Brush Plating with Nitrocarburizing, Metall. Mater. Trans. A , 33A , 2002, pp. 2240-2243 ( SCI: 568FW , EI : 02377077205 )
    (2)S.J. Dong**, Y. Zhou, Y.W. Shi and B.H. Chang**, Formation of a TiB2 Reinforced Copper-Based Composite by Mechanical Alloying and Sintering, Metall. Mater. Trans. A , 33A , 2002, pp. 1275-1280 ( SCI : 564TD , EI: 6950662  )
    (3)Huihu Wang,Shijie Dong**,Xiaoping Zhou,Xinbin HuandYing Chang, Effect of synthesis conditions on microstructures and photoluminescence properties of Ga doped ZnO nanorod arrays, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 44 (2011) 307-312.
    (4) Ying Chang,Shijie Dong**,Huihu Wang,Kuanhe Du,Qingbiao Zhu and Ping Luo, Synthesis of monodisperse spherical nanometer ZrO2 (Y2O3) powders via the coupling route of w/o emulsion with urea homogenous precipitation, MaRBu, 47 (2012) 527-531.
    (5) Huihu Wang,Shijie Dong**,Ying Chang,Xiaoping ZhouandXinbin Hu, Microstructures and photocatalytic properties of porous ZnO films synthesized by chemical bath deposition method, ApSS, 258 (2012) 4288-4293.
    (6)Huihu Wang,Ying Chang,Shijie Dong**,Zhifeng Lei,Qingbiao Zhu,Ping Luo and Zhixiong Xie, Investigation on hydrogen production using multicomponent aluminum alloys at mild conditions and its mechanism, IJHE, 38 (2013) 1236-1243.
    (7)Ping Luo,Shijie Dong**,Anzhuo Yangli and Wei Yang, The effects of coating parameters on the quality of TiB2–TiC composite phase coating on the surface of Cu–Cr–Zr alloy electrode, SuCT, 253 (2014) 132-138.
    (8) Ping Luo,Z. X. Xie,S. J. Dong**,A. Z. Yangli and Wei Yang, Defects Modification of TiB2-TiC Composite Phase Coating Resistance Spot Welding Electrode via Friction Stir Processing, Materials Transactions, 55 (2014) 917-920.
    (9)Huihu Wang,J. Lu,S. J. Dong**,Y. Chang,Y. G. Fu and Ping Luo, Preparation and Hydrolysis of Aluminum Based Composites for Hydrogen Production in Pure Water, Materials Transactions, 55 (2014) 892-898.
    (10)Zhixiong Xie,P. Luo,S. J. Dong** and FenFang Tan, Improved Properties of TiC Coating Deposited on Copper Alloy via Friction Stir Processing, Materials Transactions, 55 (2014) 1639-1642.
    (11)A. Z. YangLi,P. Luo,S. J. Dong**,S. X. Sun,Z. Zheng and H. H. Wang, Failure analysis of TiB2–TiC composite-coated electrodes for spot-welding galvanised steel plates, Mater. Res. Innovations, 19 (2015) S10-38-S10-43.
    (12)Ping Luo,Shijie Dong**,Anzhuo Yangli,Shixuan Sun and Zhong Zheng, Electrospark deposition of ZrB2-TiB2 composite coating on Cu-Cr-Zr alloy electrodes, International Journal of Surface Science & Engineering, 10 (2016).
    (13)Luo Ping,Dong Shijie**,Yangli Anzhuo,Sun Shixuan,Xie Zhixiong,Zheng Zhong and Yang Wei, ZrB2-TiB2 nanocomposite powder fabricated via mechani-cal alloying, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 45 (2016) 1381-1385.
    (1) D. Shijie, L. Ping, C. Ying, W. Huihu, X. Zhixiong, Z. Zhong, Y. Wel, Y. Lianzhuo, L. QI, W. Yanqing, Electro-spark deposition surface modification process and apparatus, in, US Patent 20,150,165,538, 2015.
    (2)D. Shijie, P. Luo, Y. Chang, W. Huihu, X. Zhixiong, Z. Zhong, Y. Wei, Y. Lianzhuo, Q. Liu, W. Yanqing, Electrode coating apparatus and method, in, Google Patents, 2014.
    (3) 董仕节, 罗平, 谢志雄, 常鹰, 王辉虎, 王焱清, 杨威, 杨李安卓,刘琪. 一种工件涂层的表面处理方法和装置:ZL 201310681469.1
    (4) 董仕节, 罗平, 王辉虎, 谢志雄, 常鹰, 郑重, 杨威, 杨李安卓,李海坤. 电火花熔覆涂层用的TiB2-ZrB2复相熔覆棒及其制备方法:ZL 201310684586.3
    (5)董仕节, 罗平, 王辉虎, 谢志雄, 常鹰, 郑重, 杨威, 杨李安卓, 李海坤. 电火花熔覆涂层用的TiB2-ZrB2复相熔覆棒及其制备方法:ZL 201310684586.3
    (6)董仕节, 罗平, 常鹰, 王辉虎, 郑重, 谢志雄, 杨威, 杨李安卓,李海坤. 点焊电极表面电火花熔敷TiB2-TiC复相涂层用的熔敷棒其制备方法:ZL 201310683068.X
    (7) 董仕节, 罗平, 常鹰, 王辉虎, 郑重, 谢志雄, 杨威, 杨李安卓,刘琪. 旋转体表面电火花熔敷改性工艺及装置:ZL 201310681859.9
    (8)董仕节, 罗平, 谢志雄, 常鹰, 王辉虎, 王焱清, 杨威, 杨李安卓,刘琪. 一种工件涂层的表面处理装置:ZL 201320822626.1
    (9)常鹰, 董仕节, 王辉虎,杜宽河. 低温无压烧结纳米陶瓷用高烧结活性复合纳米ZrO2粉末微球的一步合成法: ZL 201210131570.5
    (10) 郑重, 董仕节, 赵杉, 肖岸纯, 罗平, 李四年, 李连杰,黄子昕. 一种高强高导碳纳米管增强铜基复合材料及其制备方法: ZL 201310630561.5
    (11) 李学锋, 董仕节, 闫晗, 胡波,江成. 有机分子插入型天然纤维复合塑料的制备方法: ZL 201110265092.2
    (12) 别墅, 董仕节, 王孝刚, 张教海, 夏松波, 余隆新, 郑进平, 谢正国, 郭健, 汪江波, 蔡俊,安宁. 含种压缩营养钵及其直播方法:ZL 201010271697.8
    (13) 安宁, 别墅, 董仕节, 谢正国, 郭健, 郑进平, 王孝刚, 张教海, 夏松波, 余隆新, 汪江波,蔡俊. 压缩营养钵成型机:ZL 201010272650.3
